So its that time again - time to recruit staff for summer 2009! Its hard for some to see that far ahead, but for us here at the camp the summer is already way too close. There's a lot to get done in the very short 4 months before our staff begin to arrive. This year we are hoping to have quite a few of our staff from this last year return, but we are also hoping to get quite a few newbee's. This summer our goal is to hire between 60 and 70 students to live, serve, and grow here at the camp. Although the large majority of our staff comes by word of mouth, we still do several recruiting events at different college campuses. Above is a photo of some of us at a restaurant in College Station doing some recruiting. If you are interested in working a summer at Camp Tejas, or know someone that might be, send me an email or check out our SMT website: http://www.tejassmt.org/.
Seth Gordon
Recreation Director