Saturday, May 03, 2008

My Favorite Part

Summer is coming - whether we are ready or not - and one long work day sometimes seems to run into the next. It's a hectic time, but last weekend I was reminded of my favorite thing about Tejas. As one of the directors on duty, I was called upon to fill out an incident report (kayak tag can be hazardous to your health). The two college girls who helped me collect the necessary information for the form happened to be students at my alma mater (sic 'em). We struck up a conversation about majors and professors and classes that eventually took a turn. For nearly an hour I got to sit at a table in the Dining Hall and really fellowship with some sisters in Christ. We talked about church and missions and calling. That lead us to over-commitment and time management and some of the mysteries of God. Yea, we fill out incident reports and plunge toilets and refill the garbanzo beans on the salad bar -- but getting to work in a place that lends itself to real fellowship -- that's my favorite part.

Natalie West
Summer Camp Director