Each summer the staff come prepared to do a number of duties. Some of them are very fun and others can be . . . well let’s just say they aren’t anyone’s favorite. But one of the jobs that must get done around the camp usually goes on without many people noticing – the infamous trash run. After a good motivational speech, some of the staff gather on the back of a trailer ready to get nice and dirty. The “trash trailer”, as many have named it, roams the entire grounds as the staff empty every trash can at the camp. Sometimes this takes as many as 3 trips to complete, and in the end the camp is trash free – at least that’s the goal. Above is a great action picture of some of the 2008 staff working hard to empty the trailer into the dumpsters. Thanks to everyone who was a part of a trash run and took a good shot of trash juice to the face.
Seth Gordon
Recreation director
Seth Gordon
Recreation director