A huge goal of the recreation we provide here at Camp Tejas is to be unique. Just about every camp has a swimming pool and a recreation field and just about every camper that shows up at camp has played basketball and football at some point in their life. So here at Camp Tejas we try out best to think outside of the norm – what is a camper going to remember doing at Camp Tejas for years to come? One of the most fun and unique activities we provide is our Tejas mud games. We start off with a giant arena full of dirt, till that up so all the dirt is soft and then we add water – lots of it. The end result is a giant mud pit and I'm sure you can imagine what fun can happen when you combine 200 or more campers and a giant arena full of mud. Usually we lead a number of relays and then give the campers some time to simply enjoy the experience. Above is a picture of the post mud game clean-off. If you ever think of a interesting unique activity that 200+ campers might enjoy, be sure to let us know!
Seth Gordon
Recreation Director
Seth Gordon
Recreation Director