Saturday evening was a celebration of a tremendous era of Camp Tejas. On February 14, 1981, Billy and Janice Jones began their service here. Their lives changed drastically when they moved from their comfortable Houston suburb to the rural central Texas area of Warda. With a few dollars in the checking account and fewer groups on the spring calendar, they ventured into the Christian camping world not knowing what to expect. They quickly figured out what groups needed, where the water values are, and how much grass had to be mowed. Less than 1,500 people came to the camp in 1981. Over 15,000 have stayed with us in 2008. Their amazing personal service in the hands of the Lord has laid down a foundation on which the next generation will build. We are immensely thankful for our history, and extremely excited about our future.
Billy and Janice officially retired from their director positions in October. Tejas Ministries will provide a home for them as long as they are willing and able to live in it. They will continue to work part time for the camp until the Lord leads them in another direction.
You can find both parts of the Jones retirement video here:
http://www.youtube.com/camptejasDavid Jones